
Affichage des articles du décembre, 2015

RFID RC522 on Raspberry PI with NodeJS

It's kind of hard to succeed in this. Most of tutorials are uncomplete. Here is my compilation. Everything is done on the PI 0) Install node wget sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb 1) Update your PI:  sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade sudo rpi-update sudo apt-get clean 2) Configure the SPI group: sudo groupadd -f --system spi sudo adduser pi spi # assuming the pi account is the one that will access SPI sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/90-spi.rules Then add this to the file : SUBSYSTEM=="spidev", GROUP="spi" 3) Configure the PI: sudo apt-get install build-essential sudo npm install -g node-gyp sudo raspi-config   under Advanced Options - enable Device Tree   under Advanced Options - disable SPI sudo reboot 4) Compile the spi_bcm2835 driver: wget tar -zxf bcm2835-1.46.tar.gz cd bcm283